Get Between The Cracks In The Pavement | Scottsboro Pressure Washing

New pavement is attractive and creates a sense of peace and pride. The surface looks perfect, and you know the footing is safe and secure.
And it's up to you, the homeowner or business owner, to ensure that surface you paid for last a good long time and maintains a look you want to continue to show off. A professional pressure washing company can be the key to assisting with this endeavor.
Why, then, do contractors purposefully carve cracks into new patios and driveways after they pour the concrete? In reality, many homeowners who don't know much about the paving process likely would ask this question. And the answer is: they don't. Not exactly, anyway.
The process involves the placement of control (or contraction) joints, which are "planned cracks which allow for movements caused by temperature changes and drying shrinkage."
There are numerous factors to consider, so it becomes increasingly important to ensure these "cracks' remain debris-free. And while evergreens are beautiful and majestic, they can make an awful mess on your patio. Pine needles, pitch, and dirt combine to form a sealant, of sorts, and when water seeps in, frost heaves often result.
Frost heaves occur when pressure is created in deep cold. The freezing and thawing cycles can disrupt the soil under and around concrete. Overtime, enough movement can cause deep cracking in concrete.
Preventing Frost Heaves
You can prevent frost heaves by taking a couple of simple steps. Since the formation of these nasty eyesores results from freezing temperatures, water, and frost-susceptible soil, suggests eliminating or minimizing at least one of these elements: reduce frost penetration; keep water out of the freezing zone; or make sure soil in the freezing zone is not susceptible to frost.
It is the last of these three points where you have a hand. Proper care of these control joints, or purposeful cracks, the contractor strategically etched into your patio or concrete driveway is key. Loosening the debris from this space, which often is only about a quarter-inch or less, followed by a thorough driveway washing is likely the most effective means.
Start by running small flathead screwdriver or even a small spackle knife through the groove, being careful to keep the implement in the groove to avoid scratching the surface unnecessarily. Follow it with a steady stream of medium water pressure, sure to direct the drainage in the direction of the downward pitch of the patio. Then, let it dry...Or call a pro to help you like us to help you in the first place.
When In Doubt, Call A Professional
If unwanted cracks do appear, what are your options? There are numerous do-it-yourself remedies available to fill these cracks, whether they appear on your patio or on the sidewalk around your home or commercial property.
But it's imperative you consult a professional before attempting to repair cracks in the concrete. A company like Mountain Top Property Maintenance will assess the damage and suggest a course of treatment.
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